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Address:10th factory,innovation

torch park,west changjiang

road,high-tech zones,Anyang

Introduction to the Structure of Floating Assembly Floors for you

Update time:2012-01-17 11:07:26Click:3463second
Suspended flooring is used in many sports venues, because the structure of the floating assembly floor self-drainage to a large extent to solve the problem of drainage on the site, so it’s welled received by everyone. The following suspension assembly flo

Suspended floor lock-type connection for the design to create a space between each floor through the strict control module to ensure that the 1mm gap, to ensure the traction under the premise of eliminating the intense movement of athletes generated by the strong level of impact Force caused by lower limb injury.

Suspended flooring through the dense mesh arrangement of the design, so that water, sand and dust can be unhindered leak to the floor surface layer below the gap between the feet below the drain into the field outside the sink. In the light rain weather, there is no need to interrupt the movement. Even rainy weather, 12.2mm above the ground floor height can also ensure that rain will soon be emptied. This design is like a manifestation of the human nature with the never-ending battle of the same spirit, can make our movement no longer subject to any weather climate, in the raging weather can enjoy the fun of sports. This is a special practical significance for a lot of sports events at the appointed time and school teaching activities.

The structure of the suspended floor makes it have good drainage performance and eliminates the large impact force produced by the athlete's movement. Purchase and installation of floating assembly floor to Henan Racing Sports Facilities Co.,Ltd.

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Phone:+86 18538315922

+86 17737255777


After sales service:0372-3666638

Address:10th factory,innovation

torch park,west changjiang

road,high-tech zones,Anyang

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